13 March 2015

This document is to introduce how to upgrade the Zabbix from 1.8.3 to 1.8.12 to suit OpenSuse 11.4.

Note: As this is not a full new configuration, so this document is only for Zabbix version update from 1.8.3 to 1.8.12, cannot be treated as a full installation guide.

As this is a little update during 1.8.x, so no need to touch the DB. Steps attached here, please follow the steps strictly, all the command are provided here.


You may find more information from below links:

Install zabbix from Source: https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/1.8/manual/installation/installation_from_source

Upgrade proceduler: (section 3.6) https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/1.8/manual/about/installation_and_upgrade

Dependency packages: (Chinese) http://os.51cto.com/art/201104/252989.htm


You may get all the required packages from here: Download


  1. Remove the old version Zabbix 1.8.3.

    You may run: rpm -qa | grep zabbix to check all the installed zabbix packages. Please confirm all the installed packages have been removed before perform the new installation.

    Before remove:


  2. Install the dependency packages:


    (Above packages could be find from the OpenSuse 11.4 OS iso file, and most of the Linux distrubution should have includes these tools already.)


    install this package with below steps:

    1. Upload file iksemel-1.4.tar.gz to /tmp, then cd /tmp

    2. tar –zxf iksemel-1.4.tar.gz

    3. cd iksemel-1.4

    4. ./configure

    5. make

    6. make install

  3. Upload the file zabbix-1.8.12.tar.gz to /tmp, then cd /tmp.

  4. tar –zxf zabbix-1.8.12.tar.gz

  5. cd zabbix-1.8.12

  6. ./configure --enable-server --enable-proxy --enable-agent --with-mysql --with-net-snmp --with-jabber --with-libcurl

  7. make install

  8. ln -sf /usr/local/lib/libiksemel.so.3 /lib/

    Basically, till now, the new version Zabbix have been installed, please run zabbix_server –V to verify the version of zabbix.

  9. Copy the config file to folder: /etc/zabbix:

     cd /tmp/zabbix-1.8.12  
     cp misc/conf/zabbix_server.conf /etc/zabbix/  
     cp misc/conf/zabbix_proxy.conf /etc/zabbix/  
     cp misc/conf/zabbix_agent.conf /etc/zabbix/  
     cp misc/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf /etc/zabbix/
  10. vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

    Find out below 2 lines, then modify the DB username and password:

    (find function in VI: type / DBUser in command mode)

  11. Upload the files: zabbix_server and zabbix_agentd to /etc/init.d/, then add execute permission:</div>

    chmod +x /etc/init.d/zabbix_server  
    chmod +x /etc/init.d/zabbix_agentd
  12. Start and stop the zabbix_server and zabbix_agentd to verify the installation with below commands:

    /etc/init.d/zabbix_server start  
    /etc/init.d/zabbix_server stop  
    ps –ef | grep zabbix  
    /etc/init.d/zabbix_agentd start  
    /etc/init.d/zabbix_agentd stop  
    ps –ef | grep zabbix  

    After confirmed there’s no issue, start the zabbix_server and zabbix_agentd:

    /etc/init.d/zabbix_server start  
    /etc/init.d/zabbix_agentd start  		

Steer into the web interface configuration:

  1. cd /tmp/zabbix-1.8.12/frontends/php/

  2. mkdir /srv/www/htdocs/zabbix

  3. cp -a . /srv/www/htdocs/zabbix

  4. Now we don’t need to work with the command line any more, instead, we need to open a Web browser to access the zabbix web interface to configure our web view.

    Open a browser, input the address: http://<IP address here>/zabbix/queue.php

    • If you are working locally on the Linux server, you may open the embeded Firefox (I guess all the popular Linux distribution have Firefox installed by default).

    If you are working with Linux server remotely, you will have some choices:

    • Find out any PC which could access the remote server via port 80, then use PC browser to access the web page.
    • Configure remote X session from local PC, you may use Putty+xming (free), or xterm (not free), and then access the Firefox on the server from local PC directly.
  5. Click Next>> Button. Then read and accept GPL v2 license.

  6. Make sure that all software pre-requisites are met.

  7. Configure database settings. Zabbix database must already be created.
    Please input “zabbix” in “Name”, “User” and “Password” fields..

    Then click Test Connection button, “Ok” means connection is fine.

  8. Click Next. See summary of settings. Click next.

  9. Download configuration file and place it under conf/.

    1. Click the “Save configuration file” button.

    2. After saved, upload the file zabbix.conf.php to /srv/www/htdocs/zabbix/conf/.

  10. Click Retry button, there should be “Ok” appears. Then finishing installation.

Till now, all the configuration is done, input the monitoring address on browser http://IP Address/zabbix/ to work with the new environment.