14 March 2015

How to delete a Websphere profile

1. if you are removing a profile that is federated to a cell (Including ND Cell and AdminAgent)

cd {AdminAgent Home}/bin
deregisterNode -connType SOAP -port 8877 -profilePath "F:\IBM\Websphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01" -username xxxx -password "Password"


  • Use removeNode command if it is a ND Cell.
  • Use deregisterNode command if it is a AdminAgent managed node. Here I use this secario as the example.
  • Please ensure The AdminAgent must be running.
  • If you don’t remember the SOAP port of the AdminAgent, can check the serverindex.xml under {AdminAgent Home}\config\cells\THAIPWAPP15AACell01\nodes\THAIPWAPP15AANode01

The result should be like below:

alt Deregister

2. Stop all the JVM services in the profile you will be deleted. Try to ensure no java process is running from OS level.

Windows: check from task manager.
Linux: ps -ef | grep java

3. Change directory to {WAS Home}/bin, then run the delete profile command:

manageprofiles -delete -profileName AppSrv01

The output should be as below:

alt delete profile

4. Clean the profile registry using the following command:

manageprofile -validateAndUpdateRegistry

5. Remove the profile folders.

Till now, most of the subfolders of the profile AppSrv01 should have been removed, only AppSrv01/log folder still there. The last step is to delete the profile folder under {WAS Home}/profiles/.