09 December 2014








http://public_ip/abc.jsp — abc.jsp可以正常显示

https://public_ip/abc.jsp — 500 Internal Server Error


http://ihs_server/abc.jsp — abc.jsp可以正常显示

https://ihs_server/abc.jsp — 500 Internal Server Error


http://was_server:9081/abc.jsp – abc.jsp可以正常显示



[Wed Dec 03 15:40:13 2014] 00000dbc 00000e78 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Connect timeout fired

[Wed Dec 03 15:40:18 2014] 00000dbc 00000e78 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Connect timeout fired

[Wed Dec 03 15:40:18 2014] 00000dbc 00000e78 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereExecute: Failed to create the stream

[Wed Dec 03 15:40:18 2014] 00000dbc 00000e78 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to execute the transaction to ‘wasserverNode01_abc'on host ‘wasserver'; will try another one

[Wed Dec 03 15:40:23 2014] 00000dbc 00000e78 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Connect timeout fired

[Wed Dec 03 15:40:28 2014] 00000dbc 00000e78 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Connect timeout fired

[Wed Dec 03 15:40:28 2014] 00000dbc 00000e78 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereExecute: Failed to create the stream

[Wed Dec 03 15:40:28 2014] 00000dbc 00000e78 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to execute the transaction to ‘wasserverNode01_abc'on host ‘wasserver'; will try another one

[Wed Dec 03 15:40:28 2014] 00000dbc 00000e78 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereWriteRequestReadResponse: Failed to find an app server to handle this request

[Wed Dec 03 15:40:28 2014] 00000dbc 00000e78 - ERROR: ESI: getResponse: failed to get response: rc = 2

[Wed Dec 03 15:40:28 2014] 00000dbc 00000e78 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to handle request



2)继续检查其他所有的Log,包括IHS的error log——没有任何错误信息,WAS的JVM log——用https做的访问请求完全没有任何输出,意味着请求完全没有到达WAS应用。

3)继续怀疑是plugin config文件的问题,但是试过很多更改,全部都是一样的效果。

怎么办?还是怀疑问题出在plugin的转发过程上。想起来plugin的Log level是可以更改的,我们所设置的leve是ERROR,只有在plugin转发出现ERROR信息的时候才会保存到plugin_cfg.log文件内。现在试着把完整地跟踪信息输出。

更改plugin_cfg.xml: 找到这行配置:LogLevel=“Error”, 把Error改成Trace即可。可以等1分钟自动重新加载plugin配置文件或者直接重启IHS服务立刻生效。

果然发现问题了,在plugin log里有这么一段:

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:07 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - TRACE: ws_server_group: lockedServerGroupUseServer: Server wasserver_abc picked, weight 2.

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:07 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - TRACE: ws_common: websphereFindTransport: Finding the transport

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:07 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - DETAIL: ws_common: websphereFindTransport: Setting the transport(case 1): wasserver on port 9444

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:07 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - TRACE: ws_common: websphereExecute: Executing the transaction with the app server reqInfo is OKuseExistingStream=0, client->stream=00000000

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:07 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - DEBUG: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Getting the stream to the app server

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:07 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - TRACE: ws_transport: transportStreamDequeue: Checking for existing stream from the queue

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:07 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - TRACE: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Have a connect timeout of 5; Setting socket to not block for the connect

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:12 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - TRACE: errno 0

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:12 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - TRACE: RET 0

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:12 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - TRACE: READ SET 0

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:12 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - TRACE: WRITE SET 0

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:12 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - TRACE: EXCEPT SET 0

[Wed Dec 03 17:17:12 2014] 00001220 000012a4 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Connect timeout fired

实际上看到这一行:Setting the transport(case 1): wasserver on port 9444 就大概明白了,IHS在进行请求转发的时候使用的不是9081,而是9444,9444是wc_default_secure端口,也就是WAS服务器容器的安全传输端口。而9444端口在IHS和WAS之间并没有打开。




